
Faith Presbyterian Church and Heritage Baptist Fellowship are neighboring congregations located in Canton, Georgia, forty miles north of Atlanta, Georgia.As a part of the metro area, they enjoy close proximity to an international center for colleges and universities, theological schools, hospitals and medical facilities, and a spectrum of other arts and sciences institutions.

Faith Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), one among 42 congregations in the denomination’s Cherokee Presbytery. It was chartered in 1989 and moved to its present permanent location in 1995.

Heritage Baptist Fellowship is a different kind of Baptist church. Heritage was founded in 1994 and is a congregation of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. While Baptist by tradition, it embodies a wider ecumenical perspective and practice.

Our partner institution, Reinhardt University, is located a few miles away, and maintains an ecumenical outlook and a thoroughgoing commitment to the larger community.

By hosting the Scientists in Congregations: Science and Faith series, we hope to create the space for conversation in our community. We strive to be the kind of congregations where you don’t have to check your brain at the door. Heritage Baptist and Faith Presbyterian represent two of thirty seven congregations who have been chosen to participate in the Scientists in Congregations program, which is funded by a generous grant from the John Templeton foundation.

The Templeton foundation exists to encourage civil, informed dialogue among scientists, philosophers, and theologians and between such experts and the public at large, for the purposes of definitional clarity and new insights.


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