Exploring Science and Faith

Is there a conflict between Judeo-Christian theology and the findings of science

How can science help us understand what the Scriptures say?

What can Judeo-Christian theology tell us about the findings of science?


Join us for a series of five weekly sessions, exploring the intersections of science and faith, on the five Tuesday nights in May, 2012. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

These forums are hosted by Heritage Baptist Fellowship and Faith Presbyterian Church. Heritage Baptist Fellowship and Faith Presbyterian Church are located next door to each other at 3615 and 3655 Reinhardt College Parkway (Highway 140 West)

This series is made possible by the Scientist in Congregations program, funded by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation’s Science and Ministry Initiative.

2 thoughts on “Exploring Science and Faith

  1. Hello, I’m trying to enroll my husband and myself in the seminar to Explore science and Religion. Could you please point me to that site? Thanks.

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